The Legend

Being one of the original 151, Ditto's gotten several appearances in published materials, from old unofficial books on the Pokémon TCG to spin-off official story and activity books... So why not compile that too?

Children's Book

Transforming Ditto by Sumiyoshi Kizuki (1997)
The 8th book in the Pokémon Tales childrens book set.

It's got charming art, though the story is maybe a little too simplified for its intended audience. I've done a general translation for it, though nuance might have gotten lost. Apologies for any errors!

Something of note is this includes a teal-colored Ditto, beating the official introduction of shiny Pokémon by 2 years! This does imply the addition of shiny Pokémon was planned early in the development of Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Official Supplemental Materials

Celadon University Pocket Book (July 1998)
The student handbook for the fictional university Celadon University, sent as a reward for submissions to Shogakukan Elementary Magazine.

Not much of note Ditto-wise, except for a small snippet. I'm not sure how Ditto relates to the snippet at all nor am I sure who the boy is... If anyone can explain the connection, I'd love to know!
Pokemon Literature Department

I'm researching how to express in words the greatness of Pokemon.

Children's Book

Let's Find Pokémon! by Kazunori Aihara (1999)
This is effectively a Where's Waldo-style activity book, but it's quite fun thanks to Kazunori Aihara's really lovely illustrations!

Why not try and find Ditto? Click on the following pages and try your luck!
Page 4

Page 6

Page 8

Page 10

Page 12

Page 14

Page 16

Page 18


Pokémon TCG Card Review

Pokémon Unofficial Card Collector's Guide by Mike Searle and Tom Suzewski (2000)
Page 51
A glowing review! :)
Koga's Ditto (page 90) was also given a place, but it's lacking any commentary so I'm ignoring it...

Pokémon TCG Card Review

The Big Book of Pokémon: The Complete Player and Collector's Guide to Every Card and Character by Doubleday Canada (2000)
Page 41
I wouldn't usually include this if it weren't for the utter disrespect! "Good Against: none." Rude!!

Page 80
A much more polite review.
This book also includes an entry for Koga's Ditto (page 149) but with no commentary, so also ignoring it.
However, this book does have some incredible fan-supplied ditto-including deck builds that I am compelled to include here:

Page 299: Potpourri
Page 302: The Sponge
As well as this Ditto-specific set of questions!

Children's Book

Let's Find Pokémon 2! by Kazunori Aihara (2000)
A sequel book, but it's just as cute as the first, thanks to more of Kazunori Aihara's delightful illustrations!

Why not try and find Ditto? Click on the following pages and try your luck!
Page 4

Page 6

Page 8

I can't find a ditto in this one, perhaps there is none? Ditto is in every other one, so surely here too?
Page 10

Page 12

Page 14

Page 16

Page 18

Page 20

Page 22

Page 24


Video and Audio

The Ditto Song by Pokemon Daisuki Club
October 4, 2017


At a nearby ranch
Someone left a Ditto there
Anything large or small
Ditto can become whatever it sees
One day, Ditto was nowhere to be seen
Instead, there was just a rock
You have yet to perfect your skills
Your cover is easily blown, Ditto
Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dit-to (x2)
At the nearby ranch
The same set of Ditto as always
Imposter by nature and easily amused
You laugh and the spell is broken
One day, there were two Ditto
They used Transform in a battle
Both sides turned into Ditto
Bad planning, Ditto
Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dit-to (x3)
At the nearby ranch
The Ditto all by itself
It turned into Pidgey but couldn't take off
Nothing goes quite right
One day, lots of friends appeared
Or so you thought, Ditto
It was just a bunch of Ditto
Everything turns out to be Ditto
Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dit-to (x4)

Video and Audio

Pokémon Jam Session 2 by Pokemon Kids TV
September 16, 2022


Pokémon Ditto Marshmallows by TasteMade (2023)
A fun recipe that I wanted to include.

2 egg whites
20g sugar
Pink food coloring, as needed
Light blue food coloring, as needed
Chocolate decorating pen, as needed
110ml hot water
20g powdered gelatin
Potato starch, as needed

1) In a bowl, add egg whites and beat until foamy.
2) Add the sugar in two parts, and beat until stiff peaks form.
3) Mix in pink and light blue food coloring and mix.
4) Combine hot water and powdered gelatin to make the Gelatin.
5) Add in the Gelatin and mix. Transfer the mixture to a pastry bag.
6) On a tray dusted with potato starch, pipe the gelatin mixture in the shape of Ditto or any shape you desire.
7) Chill in the refrigerator until set.
8) Draw in the faces with chocolate decorating pens. Enjoy!