Site Updates:
Added Mysterious Radio Machine (Darkness, and to Light...) (2001); Thought Wave Machine (Neo Destiny 96) (2002); Shelmet (Fusion Arts 7) (2021); and Shelmet (Fusion Strike 13) (2021)
Added Ditto Postcard (2000); Karuta Set 2018 (2018); Karuta Set 2021 (2020); Shigahama Manhole Sticker (2024); Ditto (Prize Pack Series Six) (2025).
I have a few other items to add, just need to take some time and gather the details!
Added Machamp (Vending S3) (1998), Meiji Juice Battle Coin Case (1998), Pokémon Communication (Tag Team GX 132) (2019), Greavard (Violet ex 87) (2023), Greavard (Scarlet & Violet 214) (2023), and #Pokégenic in Shibuya ~My Besties♡~ (2024).
Added Pokémon Trading Cards series 2 Tin Topper (2000) and Ditto Da Mon Sticker Set (2018).
Added Dunkin Boomer Cards (1999, 2000).
Added a new research page on the Ditto Draft.
Added Ditto (Skyridge 51) Holographic (2003), Ditto Draft Marker Tokens (2022), Ditto (Genetic Apex 205) (2024).
I've also fixed the guestbook - it wasn't showing new comments in order!! I've missed so many wonderful comments from you all!! :sob:
Added Postcard (1998); Ditto (XY-P Promo 77) (2014); Hassel (Transformation Mask 98) (2024).
Added Hassel (Twilight Masquerade 151) (2024).
New Item: August Lottery Prize Postcard (2017).
New Item: Ditto Quartet Card Sleeve (2024) and Ditto Allover Greeting Cards (2024). Added Item Version: Ditto (151 132) (2023).
New Item: Dittochu A4 Folder (2010); Peeping Collection Ditto Folder (2013); Eevee, Charmander, Ditto, Squirtle & Friends A4 Folder (2015).
New Items: Pokémon Stamp: May 1998 Set (1998); Ditto (Split Earth) (2002); Ditto Postcards (2024).
New Items: Christmas Postcard (1998), Ditto Letter (1998?), Pokémon Fit Card Sleeve (2023), and Chansey (Transformation Mask 113) (2024).
New Items: Sapporo Ichiban Ramen Cup Clip (2000?), Contents of Trainer's Bag Card Sleeve (2019), Pokémon Katakana Card Sleeve (2020), Pokémon 151 Card Sleeve (2023), Pokémon Pixels Card Sleeve (2024), and Coles Builders: Pokémon Edition (2024).
Added: more menko for Jumbo Carddass Pokémon Animation Version Part 4 #37 (1998).
Added Items: Pokémon Vending Prism Sticker (1997?), Kellogg's Ad Postcard (2000), April Lottery Prize June 2023 Calendar (2023), Striking Popping Candy Sticker (2023), and Chansey (Twilight Masquerade 187) (2024).
Added Items: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Sticker Collection (Sheet 7) (2007); and Pokémon Channel Sticker Collection (Sheet 14) (2004).
Added Info: Ditto Postcard (1999)
Edited several entries for nitpicky reasons.
Also now have a Tumblr! Nothing new, just reposting the collection there, though it is encouraging me to do fresh looks at items and look for more information on them, as well as edit some of the descriptions.
Added a non-holo version of GB Pocket Card: Final Collection (Base Set) (1997). Also added Pokémon Big Pokédex Sticker Set (1998), Lenticular Card (1998), Sticker Tag(?) (1999?), and Daiichi Bread Sticker (2023). Also maybe did something to speed up the loading speed of the collection page :)
Added Pokémon Green Batomen (1999), Ditto (EX Delta Species 39) (2005), and Transforming PH Lip Balm (2024).
Added Ditto (Holon Research Tower Water Quarter Deck 2), Ditto (Holon Research Tower Fire Quarter Deck 3), Ditto (Holon Research Tower Lightning Quarter Deck 3), Ditto (Holon Research Tower 7), and Ditto (Holon Research Tower 33), all from 2005.
Added "Transforming Ditto" Picture Book (1997); Ditto (Flight of Legends 72) (2004); Ensky ADV Part 9 (2005); and Karuta Set 2023 (2024).
Added English and Japanese cards: Ditto (Temple of Anger) (2008); Ditto (Clash at the Summit 64) (2010); Ditto ♢ (Lost Thunder 154) (2018); Ditto (Great Detective Pikachu 23) (2019); Ditto V (Shining Fates 50) (2021); Ditto V (Shining Fates 118) (2021); Ditto Vmax (Shining Fates 51) (2021); Ditto Vmax (Shining Fates 119) (2021). Corrected the cards with the right name and release date for Ditto (151 132); added in the ACTUAL Ditto (Paldean Fates 201).
Okay! I've finangled a nicer look to the collection page. It's minor edits, but I think it looks a lot more uniform now at least.
A few new items that've been sitting there: Ditto (EX FireRed & LeafGreen 4) (2004); Ditto (Pokémon GO 53) (2022); Ditto (GG22) (2023); Ditto (Paldean Fates 201) (2024).
Oh baby we coping. Also updated images for Karuta Set (1998), Transformation! Ditto Card Sleeve (was 2018, now 2017), and added Ditto (S-P Promo; 2022)!
Also have added a notice about Fluff on the homepage, just so everyone can enjoy spotting her :)
There's also a new self-hosted guestbook, since 123guestbook is dying in July... The prior comments have been moved over! :)
A little kitty named Fluff now lives on this site. Perhaps you might spy her as you browse! Please treat her kindly.
Guess who's been coping with binge-shopping? Oops... In any case, some new items (most of them are actually items I've been sitting on for a few months lol)! Adding: Ditto Postcard (1999), Netx Toyota x Pokémon Postcard (1999), Ditto (Crowned Tiger Championship Deck - 2009), Diamond & Pearl Part #8 Bromide Card (2008), October Lottery Prize Postcard (2017), and Pokémon-Amie Substitute Card Sleeve (2023).
A couple more items added: Pokémon Vending Prism Sticker (1997?), Ditto (Crown Zenith 107) (2023), and Mamee Monster x Pokémon Collab Sticker (2023).
Added a few more items to the collection: Magazine Promo Menko (2003), Pokemon XY Mega Evolution Board Game (2015), and Tazos Taps Slammer (2023)!
Added a pic for Koga's Ninja Trick (1999); updated Jumbo Carddass Pokémon Animation Version Part 4 (chip) (formerly 1997, now 1998) with new info and a corrected date; made some general picture size edits so everything looks more coherent on the collections page.
New items added: Red Poker Deck (1996), Koga's Ninja Trick (1999), and Koga's Ninja Trick (2000)!
Collection pics are now fully updated (minus the fan-made stuff)! New item added: Ditto (Shiny Treasure ex 309) (2023).
Collection pics are updated halfway through 2018! Also added in a new item: Pokémon Hanafuda (2013).
So I realized belately that the new png files, while nicer looking were... really adding a lot of load time to the collection page. I'll probably need to cut that page into some subpages eventually, but in the interim, I'm compressing all the png files (from 256 bit to 32 bit), reducing them from 1-2 megabytes to only a hundred-ish kilobytes (not much different than the original jpgs!). It's not a final solution, but anything helps! :)
All right, items are rescanned through 2006! >:)
All right, items are rescanned through 1998! :)
Got a few more 1997 items re-scanned in, as well as reformatting the appearance a little on the collection page. Also added a couple of new items: Bell Telephone Card (2000) and Pokémon: Sun & Moon Uno (2017)!
Guess who got a scanner and is slowly slowly slowly going back through and getting actually kinda okay scans of the Ditto items? 1996 is nearly fully redone... only nearly 30 more years of items to do!
I've been playing with a new page where I give biased, opinionated reviews of the ditto art used on merch. :)
Added a couple of items: N64 Card: Pokémon Stadium Collection (1998) and Amada ADV Kai (menko) (2005). Also updated the Amada and GB Pocket Card pages with the new items.
Added the item: Pokemon Battle Chip (1998).
Just a small update, though there's some other items waiting in the wings!
Added the earliest karuta set with Ditto that I know of: Karuta Set (1997).
Happy New Year! :)
Added several new Amada stickers: Attack Set 1 (1998), Super DX Gold (1999), Super DX 2000 (2000) [this one is so good, easily my favorite Amada sticker], and ADV Part 4 (2004)!
Added 1997's Jumbo Carddass Pokémon Animation Version Part 2 (chip) to the collection!
I've got a whole slew of items that need adding! Some karuta cards, some Amada stickers, and a couple of cute fan-made items. I'll add a couple at a time as I find time. :)
Trying to go through and make the site read better, though it's slow going. As always, adding a couple more items from the collection here and there!
Got some more stuff added. c:
Ooooo, I have found a whole set of new info which is giving names and dates to several previously-unknown items! I'll be slowly incorporating this new information, but gosh it's so nice to finally be able to give dates and names to things!
Added some more items and some visual editing to make the site a lil less block-looking. After all, Ditto is very rounded, so I need to match!! I've also added both a couple of silly pages and a halloween-y surprise~
Shifted some code and graphics around to prettify the Collection page more, added a new welcome banner that hopefully looks a lil nicer. Also added some new item images!
Guess who figured out how to include custom cursors!! I'd forgotten how fun making pixel art is. :)
Guess who figured out how to change site font? :) Also added a few new pages (Dictionary of Common Terms, Shogakukan Elementary Magazine). Contemplating what new ditto visuals to make...
I've remembered I can just... make visuals so the site looks nicer. Further reorganizing will likely follow! I do still need to better style the Research Topics...
There! Every page should now be readable, and I added a few more things to the All About Ditto pages, so hopefully those should be much more interesting!
Huh, I'm on a 'every-2-days' update loop, huh? In any case, every page has content! I put on more than one tinfoil hat for the Lore page, but I had a good time with it. Next steps are to edit content and start getting in more Ditto images in to break up the text monotony! I just need to get to drawing them...
Okay! There's only one dead link (All About Ditto -> The Lore) left that needs content, which means I should finish uploading the collection and edit what's here. So that's exciting! :)
After a couple of days, I've finally gotten the site in general working order. There's a background and everything! Uploaded up to 2005 of the Ditto Collection. Need to finish that and do a dive into Amada (sticker company). I think I'm deep in enough I can start contemplating additional pages of silly Ditto content! I'm already regretting my bad file organization.... haha
Why not. Why not do a website to my good, good boy Ditto???